This event is now sold out. Please contact the organizer for more details or view other events from Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea.

Seeking to expand your social circle and make new connections?

In the spirit of the Commonwealth, we invite you for a fun night of networking and entertainment as we celebrate the Commonwealth Chambers Networking Night on Thursday, October 10th, at the VVertigo rooftop bar, Conrad Hotel Seoul. Guests will be treated to a crafted menu of fine finger food, crisp beers and premium wines.

Co-hosted by the Australian, British, Canadian, Indian, New Zealand, Singaporean, and South African Chambers of Commerce, this is one night you don't want to miss.

Commonwealth Chambers Networking Night

  • When: Thursday, 10 October 2024
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Where: VVertigo rooftop bar, Conrad Hotel Seoul
  • Price: 110,000 KRW for members and non-members alike!

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