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The Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea is proud to present a special webinar with ERM Korea and POSCO Holdings. Titled 'ESG - Global Trends and Implications for Business in Korea', this webinar will take place on Wednesday, April 20, 2023 via Zoom.

Companies are increasingly recognising the importance of ESG issues and incorporating ESG considerations into their strategies and operations. This is driven by a range of factors, including regulatory requirements, stakeholder expectations and the growing recognition of the business benefits of sustainability and responsible business practices.

With two-way investment only set to expand between Australia and Korea, investors are increasingly using ESG criteria to evaluate companies and make investment decisions. There is growing recognition that companies with strong ESG practices are often better positioned to manage risks and capitalise on opportunities, whilst also having a stronger likelihood of being able to deliver sustainable long-term financial performance.


Welcome and Introduction
Helen Oh
  • Helen Oh (Trade Commissioner at Austrade Seoul)

    Helen Oh

    Trade Commissioner at Austrade Seoul

    Helen Oh joined Austrade in October 2020. She commenced her posting in the Australian Embassy in Seoul as Trade and Investment Commissioner and Counsellor (Commercial) in January 2021.

    Prior to joining Austrade, Helen led the NSW State Government's market development and international engagement program for Korea and Japan. Helen was the onshore manager responsible for developing and maintaining $1 billion investment pipeline and key accounts portfolio in Australia. Her clients included Korean and Japanese corporates such as Samsung, Hyundai, POSCO, LG, Hitachi, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Softbank Group.

    Helen was named Asialink’s 40 Under 40 Most Influential Asian-Australian Leaders list in 2020. She is an active member of the Future Leaders Program facilitated by the Australia-Korea Business Council and the Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee. She represented Australia in amateur and professional golf from 2000 to 2010.

    헬렌 오는 주한호주대사관 무역투자대표부 참사관으로 2021년 1월에 임기를 시작 했으며 현재 농식품업과 ESG 포트폴리오를 총괄하고 있다.

    호주무역투자대표부 발령 전 헬렌 오는 뉴사우스웨일즈주정부 시드니 본사에서 한국과 일본 데스크 책임을 맡아 호주 내 주요인프라사업에 10억가량의 투자유치를 한 경험이 있다.

    2020년에는 아시아링크가 선정하는 40대미만 가장 영향력있는 아시아계호주인 리더 40인에 이름을 올렸고 한-호경제협력협회와 일-호경제협력협회의 퓨쳐리더로도 활발하게 활동 중이다.

    헬렌 오는 2000년부터 2010년까지 10년동안 호주 국가대표 골프선수로 활동한 경력이 있다.

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Global ESG TrendsWhat to Expect in 2023
Mark Watson
  • Mark Watson (Country Managing Partner at ERM Korea)

    Mark Watson

    Country Managing Partner at ERM Korea

    Mark has over 35 years’ experience in the fields of ESG, sustainability and environmental management. He has worked across the power, oil & gas, financial, chemical, technology and manufacturing sectors and has a career history that spans government, industry, consultancy and contracting.

    Mark is currently the Country Managing Partner with ERM Korea based in Seoul, South Korea.

    Mark Watson은 ESG, 지속 가능성 및 환경 관리 분야에서 35년 이상 아시아 태평양 지역에서 광범위한 경험을 쌓았습니다. 그는 전력, 석유 및 가스, 금융, 화학, 기술 및 제조 부문에서 커리어를 쌓았으며 정부, 산업 및 컨설팅 분야에 걸친 경력을 보유하고 있습니다. 그는 현재 한국에서 ERM의 비즈니스를 이끌고 한국 전역의 비즈니스 운영 및 클라이언트를 관리하고 있습니다.

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Posco's ESG Journey
Seong-hyun Cheon
  • Seong-hyun Cheon (Senior Vice President at POSCO Holdings)

    Seong-hyun Cheon

    Senior Vice President at POSCO Holdings

    Mr. Seong-hyun CHEON currently holds the position of Senior Vice President of POSCO HOLDINGS. In his role, he is responsible for the ESG of POSCO Group-wide. Mr.CHEON built his career in Human Resources, focusing on organization management. In addition, he has extensive experience in Business Strategy, Corporate Culture, Performance Management, and Change Strategy while working in a consulting firm. Since 2018, POSCO Group has declared Corporate Citizenship as a management philosophy and aimed to "Build a Better Future Together." And Mr.CHEON was responsible for Corporate Citizenship Office, POSCO, before he joined POSCO HOLDINGS this March.

    천성현 상무는 현재 포스코홀딩스 ESG팀장으로 포스코그룹의 ESG 를 총괄하고 있습니다. 그는 인사 및 경영전략 분야에서 전문성을 가지고 컨설팅 업계에 근무하면서 비즈니스 전략, 기업 문화, 변화 전략 수립 및 성과 관리에 대한 광범위한 경험을 했습니다. 2011년 포스코경영연구원에 합류하면서 포스코그룹과 인연을 맺고 그룹 내 다양한 전략과제를 이끌어왔습니다. 2019년에는 포스코 인재경영실 HR전략그룹장과 2020년 포스코 기업시민전략그룹장, 2021년에는 기업시민실장을 역임하면서 그룹의 새로운 경영이념인 <기업시민>을 전파하고 관리해왔습니다. 2023년 3월부터는 지주회사인 포스코홀딩스 ESG팀장으로 부임해 그룹의 ESG전략 수립 및 이행 모니터링을 총괄하며 포스코그룹의 실질적 가치를 개선•관리하고 있습니다.

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Helen Oh
  • Helen Oh (Trade Commissioner at Austrade Seoul)

    Helen Oh

    Trade Commissioner at Austrade Seoul

    Helen Oh joined Austrade in October 2020. She commenced her posting in the Australian Embassy in Seoul as Trade and Investment Commissioner and Counsellor (Commercial) in January 2021.

    Prior to joining Austrade, Helen led the NSW State Government's market development and international engagement program for Korea and Japan. Helen was the onshore manager responsible for developing and maintaining $1 billion investment pipeline and key accounts portfolio in Australia. Her clients included Korean and Japanese corporates such as Samsung, Hyundai, POSCO, LG, Hitachi, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Softbank Group.

    Helen was named Asialink’s 40 Under 40 Most Influential Asian-Australian Leaders list in 2020. She is an active member of the Future Leaders Program facilitated by the Australia-Korea Business Council and the Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee. She represented Australia in amateur and professional golf from 2000 to 2010.

    헬렌 오는 주한호주대사관 무역투자대표부 참사관으로 2021년 1월에 임기를 시작 했으며 현재 농식품업과 ESG 포트폴리오를 총괄하고 있다.

    호주무역투자대표부 발령 전 헬렌 오는 뉴사우스웨일즈주정부 시드니 본사에서 한국과 일본 데스크 책임을 맡아 호주 내 주요인프라사업에 10억가량의 투자유치를 한 경험이 있다.

    2020년에는 아시아링크가 선정하는 40대미만 가장 영향력있는 아시아계호주인 리더 40인에 이름을 올렸고 한-호경제협력협회와 일-호경제협력협회의 퓨쳐리더로도 활발하게 활동 중이다.

    헬렌 오는 2000년부터 2010년까지 10년동안 호주 국가대표 골프선수로 활동한 경력이 있다.

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