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Following the rapid change and disruption of the past few years, the "future of work" and need for greater workplace flexibility is a key topic of conversation for employers and employees alike, highlighting the need for business leaders to prioritise people through their HR practices, as a valuable tool to future-proof their organisation.

Human Resources professional and Founder of Elsyung Consulting Elsie Yung joins AustCham Korea and ANZCCJ for a joint-Chamber webinar to discuss what HR can do for your company's business success while having a meaningful impact on your employees.

Topics covered will include:

  • Why people are your top priority
  • Why HR is important for a successful business
  • How HR is your best partner to drive success
  1. Vitality and Business Continuity
  2. Productivity and Efficiency
  3. Cost Reduction
  • How to start with limited resources – HR Excellence Benchmark Report


Elsie Yung

Director of Elsyung Consulting Limited

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