This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea events.

AustCham Korea, in partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), invites you to join us at 10 am KST on Tuesday, May 4, for a special virtual roundtable 'Accelerating the Green Energy Transition: Leveraging the Full Spectrum of Green Finance Initiatives'.

In July 2020, the Korean Government's Green New Deal announced the decision to support a transition towards net-zero emissions, which was further strengthened by its commitment in November 2020 to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

The Green New Deal anticipates investments of 73.4 trillion won (42.7 trillion won from the treasury); and the creation of 659,000 jobs. With the aim to strengthen climate action and realize a green economy, investment will focus on green infrastructures (12.1 trillion won from the treasury), renewable energy (24.3 trillion won from the treasury), and fostering green industry (6.3 trillion won from the treasury). However, the magnitude of these investments are likely to increase with the commitment of net-zero emissions by 2050.

The financial sector will play a key role in supporting the transition to the green economy, both government, private national and private international banks – in both corporate and retail operations.

This flagship event aims to share the experience of Australian banks and public finance institutions to support the delivery of net-zero emissions, climate action and realization of a green economy with Korean banks and public finance institutions.

With presentations by ANZ, IFM Investors and Pepper Savings Bank, the roundtable discussion aims to explore a diverse array of green finance initiatives and provide inspiration for both policy-makers and corporate organisations.

We welcome you to join us online via Zoom by registering your details.

If you have a question for the roundtable or would like more information about this initiative, please email us at

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